
Minimum Checks (Specifically tell Luca before match if missed)
M1. Match battery checked (leads tight, firm tug, voltage > 12 on PDH or 12.5 on beak)
M2. Radio power connections checked (PDH/PDP Radio)
M3. RIO power connections checked (PDH/PDP RIO)
M4. Ethernet path checked (RIO Radio, inc. switch power)
M5. Main power (Robot SB50 PDH/PDP)
M6. CAN functioning in pit (happy lights)

Best Practice checks
B1. CAN loop connectors checked (gentle tugs, install clips/zip ties on dupont)
B2. Bumpers fully attached (and correct color)
B3. Drive Systems Check (ask them to drive straight, check each wheel direction and rotation)

Extended Checks (When time allows and teams are cooperative)
E1. Full systems check with note
E2. Check packet loss in driver station from last match (peaks < 10%)
E3. Check CAN utilization in driver station from last match (peaks < 30%)
E4. Check battery voltage in driver station from last match (peaks > 8v)

Things Luca will check in queue
L1. Battery connector zip tied
L2. Battery secured to robot
L3. Battery showing good on pdh on field

Most Common Issues

  • Main breaker lugs loose

  • Battery lugs loose

  • Battery crimps failing

  • Radio Power failure

  • Anything with an Ethernet cable


  • design holsters for the things 📅 2024-04-03 ✅ 2024-04-14
  • add sfr failures to issues list 📅 2024-04-03 ✅ 2024-04-21
  • create better scouting system 📅 2024-04-03 ✅ 2024-04-21
  • create CNC clip on sb50 retainer 📅 2024-03-28 ✅ 2024-04-10