Amy lowell was born on feb 9th 1874 in brookly masachussets

From her birth, she was sorrounded by her highly educated siblings, one of which would become the president of harvard university

Some poets produce their work through hardship… amy lowell is not one of them

throughout her childhood she attended both private

schooling and tutoring in her hometown of Boston and also in various European countries

from the beginning of her somewhat aristocratically influenced childhood Lowell was encouraged to pursue writing

at he age of 13 wrote her first collection of poems and stories with her mother and sister titled dream drops of stories from Fairyland by a dreamer

in 1912 she had her first collection published by huon Mifflin

Amy LOL was inspired by the imagist movement in America which was comprised of poets who drafted in free verse but created concise and clear visuals through figurative language

she thought that concentration is of the aim of poetry and she wanted to produce poetry that is hard and clear, never blurred nor indefinite

She pioneered polyphonic Pros, which is basically the mixing of free verse and formal verse

It’s also rumored that amy lowell was lesbian, and accounts of her are litered with rumors of her liking to varius women in hollywood.

The year after she died in 1925, she was awarded the pullet prize for poetry.