Always i, j , k

|a| = amplitude of vector a

i_x j_x
i_y j_y

Representing Vectors


Set of lists of n numbers
R^1 is a vector space which is a list of all single numbers


Arrows but without coordinates

Arrows with coordinates

Unit Vectors

(x, y, z)
i^ = (1, 0, 0)
j^ = (0, 1, 0)
k^ = (0, 0, 1)

Cross products

i^ x j^ = +1


Measures how area or volume changes with a linear transformation

[a b]
[c d] = ad-bc

Dot products

  • Multiply corresponding elements of vector
  • Sum resulting coefficients/amplitudes
  • Amplitudes that don’t exist are 0, and multiplication rule holds true

Other rules

Vectors are orthogonal when their dot product is zero

Matrix Multiplication

  • undefined when number of columns of first matrix don’t match number of rows of second matrix

print("[a b] [e f]\n[c d] [g h]")    
a = int(input("a: "))    
b = int(input("b: "))    
c = int(input("c: "))    
d = int(input("d: "))    
e = int(input("e: "))    
f = int(input("f: "))    
g = int(input("g: "))    
h = int(input("h: "))    
alpha = (a*e) + (b*g)    
beta = (a*f) + (b*h)    
carrot = (c*e) + (d*g)    
delta = (c*f) + (d*h)    
print("[", alpha, " ", beta, "]\n[", carrot, " ", delta, "]")  

Composition of Transformations

Matrices aren’t associative so you have to do it the right way around

Transposition (X^T)

Generalized Transformations

Counterclockwise R^3 about the x axis


General or Non-Conforming Rules