

A stone thrown upwards

Initial Velocity:
Initial Position:
(In Graph, X is time, Y is position)

y=-9.8x^2 + 8x + 5   

Final time

Drone Descent

At 2m, -3m/s^2
Constant decel so x=0 when dx/dt = 0


Position Equation

Velocity equation

Set both Position equation and velocity equation to zero because that’s what we care about, then solve for t.


Solve as system to find A:

is the coefficient responsible for acceleration in the equation for the drones position

But equation for position in terms of acceleration (derived from Constant acceleration eq 1) (with other factors removed) is:

Our equation (with other factors removed) is:

So for to equal , we need to factor out the coefficient, resulting in:

Antelope Accelerating

= 65
= 7.8
= 15.9

Diver at an Angle

V = 8 m/s & 30* above horizontal
Hits water 1.9s later
What was height of diving board
What angle did diver enter water

X axis


Y axis


Car Ramp

Length of Ramp

Angle = 36.87 degrees up from horizon

Y Axis (Up)

X Axis (Right)

Shooting water into tank

Spinning String or Hoop, axis aligned with gravity

Work and Energy