1. Determine if the set of vectors is linearly independent.

These are linear independent because the vectors are not scalar multiples of one another.

This set cannot be linearly independent because it has 3 vectors in space.

This set is linearly dependent because the third vector can be produced with a linear combination of the first two.

2. Determine if the columns of the given matrix are linearly independent.

The columns are linearly independent. (Found by RREF)

3. Find the general solution and the solutions to the associated homogeneous system for:

Specific Solution:

Homogeneous Solution:

General Solution:

4. Show that the columns of are linearly independent.

Because there’s a zero in the top position of the center column, the only potential linear combination of the first two to produce the third is . Because the center element of the right column is a 2, this means , which would make the resulting bottom value also a 2, and .

5. Prove that two nonzero vectors and are linearly dependent if and only if for some .

If and are linearly dependent, then by the definitions of linear dependence it must be true that , where and are not both zero.